E 'party yesterday, the new edition (the third) and the so-called tax amnesty until April 15, 2010 will be possible to stabilize the financial assets and assets illegally held off the Italian State .
The website of the Revenue model is available for use for membership, 'reserved declaration of assets subject to return or regularization . Quickly followed by a move which should specify details and procedures of the shield.
According to preliminary estimates, the amounts that will be remedied at the national level are expected to be between 60 and 90 billion euro. A figure can produce tax revenue between 3 and 4.5 billion.
FEATURES tax shelter
HOW MUCH DOES "regularize"
It is assumed that the funds or other assets held abroad have a yield of 2% per year, for a period set at five years. On this performance is determined a levy of "special tax" of 50%, so in fact than 1 percent of the capital each year, since the stay abroad is presumed to five years, the tax is set at 5 %. The module is no box that allows you to specify a shorter period of illegal deposit of funds abroad.
will benefit from the shield individuals, non-commercial entities, partnerships that hold foreign attività finanziarie o patrimoniali da una data non successiva al 31.12.2008.
Nella dichiarazione riservata dovranno essere riportati i dati del dichiarante e del suo rappresentante, i dati dell’intermediario finanziario e l’attestazione di avvenuta presentazione del modello. Saranno specificate nel dettaglio le attività rimpatriate e/o regolarizzate di qualsiasi natura: denaro, gioielli, opere d’arte, yacht, altre attività finanziarie, immobili e diritti immobiliari, ecc.
Quali sono i vantaggi dello scudo fiscale
who adheres to the shield makes it safe from tax assessments and contributions in respect of assets subject to return or regularization.
No amnesty for any crimes other than that of non-declaration or false information.
The accession to the shield can not be used to the detriment of the taxpayer in judicial or administrative authority: that alone will not worsen its position in a proceeding.