Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Much Does An Ipod Mini Cost

Press meeting MIUR-Trade Unions.

Rome, December 5, 2008


Comparing the first results

us on 2 December was held meeting between representatives of the unions and MIUR FIR ICFTU, ICFTU University, FLC CGIL and UILPAUR.

During the confrontation, which is part of the commitments undertaken by the Ministry and signed with us in the previous meeting on November 11, 2008, were considered the problems of our sectors e per alcune delle quali si hanno già risultati concreti.

In particolare il decreto legge 180/2008 ha avuto l'approvazione del Senato ed è stato inviato alla Camera. Come noto il decreto prevede che gli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca (ASI compresa) siano esentati dal taglio del 10% dei posti delle piante organiche ed è già operante dalla data del 10 novembre us. Anche sulla base di questo provvedimento, gli EPR sono stati invitati dal Ministero della Funzione Pubblica ad inviare le richieste di stabilizzazioni/assunzioni a valere sul turn over dell'anno 2007, al fine di produrre in tempi rapidi i decreti per le relative assunzioni previste dalla cosiddetta legge “Milleproroghe” February 2008.

The trade unions were then informed of the procedures for the transfer of funds to institutions supervised by MIUR FIRST for a total of 103 M €, an increase from the year 2007 of approximately 30 M €.

is also pending a decree transferring the supervised entities to the Ministry of Education resources not yet used the 2007 financial plan for the recruitment of researchers. It is 22.5 M € (7.5 M € were previously transferred, but unfortunately it appears that several administrations have not yet used them) are to be ripartite tra i diversi Enti.

Nel corso della riunione la FIR CISL ha sollevato i seguenti problemi:

Rinnovo del Contratto - Abbiamo chiesto che sia seguita e sollecitata l'emanazione formale dell'atto di indirizzo del secondo biennio (2008/2009) poiché riteniamo necessario avviarci ad una rapida conclusione del percorso contrattuale a partire del biennio economico 2006/2007;

Riforma Enti di Ricerca - The Ministerial Delegation announced he intends to use the proxy law, prepared by the previous government for the reform of the EPR supervised by the Ministry of Education. We reiterated that we deem necessary that the path on this issue forms part of the due and necessary confrontation with the unions At the same time we asked for guarantees for entities for which the process of reorganization has already begun:

for ANSAS (that brings together the former INDIRE and former IRRE) the Ministry has agreed to resume discussion on the Regulation, comparison stopped in January 2008, in order to give effect to the new body pina;

for l'EIM (ex IMONT) si sta concretizzando il trasferimento dell'Ente sotto la vigilanza della Presidenza del Consiglio, allo stesso tempo è stato disposto il trasferimento all'Ente delle risorse necessarie per il Funzionamento dello stesso (2,8 M€);

Utilizzo del turn over – E’ stata ribadita l'esigenza che gli EPR possano estendere l'utilizzo delle risorse del turn over a pieno budget economico fino al 2012, ed abbiamo chiesto al Ministero di sostenere questa esigenza con lo scopo di dare la necessaria continuità al processo di assunzione/stabilizzazione.

Le Parti hanno poi convenuto una nuova specifica riunione per le problematiche dei soli EPR da tenersi entro il mese di gennaio 2009

La Delegazione FIR CISL

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Induction Silicone Matt

Meeting with the Minister of Trade Unions Gelmini

Oggi 02/12/2008, alle ore 16:00 i Segretari Generali FLC-CGIL, CISL Università, CISL Ricerca e UIL PA UR sono invitati dal Ministro Gelmini to participate in a meeting with the following subject:
"Issues relating to the area universities and research institutions."
In this meeting Dr. Alessandro Castellani, a member of the National Secretariat of the CISL Research is committed to be on a particular issue ANSAS ex-Indira.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Are There Alway Symptoms For Gonorhea

School: the commissioner wrote to the minister Gelmini Simoncini

27.11.2008 A letter to Education Minister Maria Stella Gelmini to request urgent action to ensure the continuation of dell'Ansas, the National Agency for autonomy school, was sent to the Councillor of the Region of Tuscany education, Gianfranco Simoncini. The initiative follows a meeting yesterday in the Regional Council, including a delegation of workers and Simoncini dell'Ansas which has its headquarters in Florence.
During the meeting, said in a statement, workers have expressed strong concern about the non-renewal of the contract, which expires at the end of December and that, in addition to endangering jobs in 1998, is likely to cause paralysis activities of the agency, where most of the staff is completed. In the letter, councilor stresses that the Agency "is a useful reference point for local institutions, first of all regions, since it represents a useful tool for its ability to implement measures to stimulate creative and link between territory and schools that would lose in case of a steep downturn.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

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dell'ANSAS precarious participation at the conference: "Brain drain: analysis and proposals"

Today , Thursday, November 27, representatives of the precarious dell'ANSAS, attended the conference at the ' Auditorium of the Regional Council of Tuscany, Via Cavour 4.

"Brain drain" analysis and proposals
Speakers: Eduardo Bruno, Antonella Mansi, Augusto Marinelli, Mauro Ricci, Giancarlo Righini
partecipa il consigliere regionale: Severino Saccardi
in collaborazione con la Commissione Speciale Lavoro Regione Toscana e Università degli Stud
i di Firenze.

Il convegno è all'interno degli eventi organizzati in occasione della Festa della Toscana 2008: Costruire lavoro , quest'anno dedicata al lavoro.

Tra gli interventi programmati i rappresentanti dei precari ANSAS sono intervenuti presentando l'agenzia, nella sua storia e finalità, ponendo l'accento sull'importanza dell'innovazione e della ricerca in ambito educativo , ricordando inoltre la scadenza contrattuale del 31 dicembre 2008
of the 98 project collaborators. The precarious dell''ANSAS exposed to the Regional Council and in particular to commission job, their case that is part of the wider issues of national and regional insecurity.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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PRESS RELEASE - City of Florence


Florence, November 25, 2008


A motion that the mayor committed "to demonstrate to other levels of government the serious concern over the loss of jobs to 86 people in the national agency for the development of school autonomy 'and' to urge for the immediate involvement related skills "was presented by Anna Nocentini, head of the PRC Communist.
"November 18 - is in the document - was held at the headquarters in Via Buonarroti the assembly of workers of the agency to which they were invited by the Presidency of the Council, the leaders board. In this circumstance we have learned that working at the location 86 project workers con contratto in scadenza il 31 dicembre 2008, contratti rinnovati da molti e molti anni e adesso non rinnovabili in forza della recente normativa. Tale provvedimento produrrebbe la immediata disoccupazione di 86 lavoratori e lavoratrici senza alcuna forma di ammortizzatore sociale».
«L'attività di tali operatori, peraltro altamente qualificati - si sottolinea nella mozione - è sostanzialmente diretta all'aggiornamento e qualificazione del personale docente e dirigente delle scuole dell'obbligo e superiori, alla predisposizione e proposta di progetti destinati alle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, all'introduzione di nuove tecnologie. La mancanza del supporto tecnico e professionale per i docenti e i dirigenti scolastici, finora fornito dall'agenzia, determinerebbe un progressivo impoverimento dell'offerta didattica anche sul nostro territorio, ancora qualitativamente al passo con le più avanzate realtà internazionali».
Anna Nocentini chiede anche che il sindaco di «rappresentare al Governo la grave preoccupazione per le negative conseguenze che l'impoverimento o l'azzeramento dell'Agenzia produrrebbero sul tessuto didattico cittadino e nazionale» e di «farsi promotore di analoga richiesta da parte dei sindaci e degli assessori alla pubblica istruzione». (fn)

Questo il testo della mozione:


Oggetto: situazione lavoratori/lavoratrici dell'Agenzia Nazionale per lo development of school autonomy (ex INDIRE)

PROPONENETE: Anna Nocentini, PRC

On November 18 was held at the headquarters in Via Buonarroti the assembly of workers of the National Agency for the development of autonomy School (formerly INDIRE) to which were invited, through the Presidency of the Council, the leaders board.
In this circumstance we have learned that:
that office employees working in 86 project contracts expiring December 31, 2008, renewed contracts for many, many years and now non-renewable under recent legislation;
also operate with 48 employees recruited fixed-term contract expiring 31 December 2011, more than 25 units of staff seconded from other agencies
that the Agency has a budget of € 2,000,000 a year to achieve the objectives laid down by the annual address of the Ministry of Education, and in fact runs a budget between 8 and 10 million euro per year with serious concern that
Review this measure would result in the immediate unemployment of 86 male and female workers (a high percentage of working women) without any form of social safety net
Given that 'activities of these operators, however qualified, is essentially a direct upgrade and qualification of teaching staff, teacher and manager of primary schools and above, the preparation and proposal of projects for schools of all levels, introduction of new technologies
whereas the resetting of the work done by the Agency, resulting in the lack of renewal of the employment contracts for the next 31 December, is part of a broader attack on public schools and pursued by this government upon which the City Council discussed at length and expressed its grave concern
Rated as the lack of technical support and training for teachers and school leaders, so far provided by 'Agency, would lead to a progressive impoverishment of educational offerings on our territory, yet the quality passo con le più avanzate realtà internazionali
Verificato che tali servizi sono resi disponibili non solo per l'utenza cittadina ma, in forza delle tecnologie ampiamente usate dall'Agenzia, anche per tutte le richieste provenienti dal territorio nazionale
Richiamati gli ordini del giorno 801/2008 e 821/2008 approvati da questo Consiglio Comunale nelle sedute del 27 ottobre e 4 novembre scorsi
Il Consiglio Comunale
impegna il Sindaco
A manifestare agli altri livelli istituzionali la grave preoccupazione per la perdita del posto di lavoro di 86 persone e a sollecitare l'immediato coinvolgimento per le relative competenze
A rappresentare al Governo la grave preoccupazione per le negative conseguenze che l'impoverimento o l'azzeramento dell'Agenzia produrrebbero sul tessuto didattico cittadino e nazionale
A farsi promotore di analoga richiesta da parte dei sindaci e degli assessori alla pubblica istruzione
1.L'impegno già espresso a sostenere tutte le iniziative di mobilitazione tese a non far mancare al sistema della Formazione Pubblica quei significativi investimenti, indispensabili per garantire una didattica di qualità e l'accesso per tutti i giovani ai livelli più alti di formazione
2. la richiesta al Governo di ritirare immediatamente la L. 133/2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Water Retention When Travelling

intervention workers at the VI ANSAS Committee of the province

Le attività della sede centrale dell’Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell’Autonomia Scolastica (Ex Indire) are divided into:

specialist research on the implementation of new technologies in teaching,

training of school staff,

documentation of the activities of schools,

software development that help you manage the school library,

bibliographic service specializing in the teaching

historical teaching and youth literature,

actions Documentation and monitoring of non-formal training and continuing

Community Action Programme in Lifelong Learning,

web hosting service for about 1000 educational institutions.

The various sectors of activity are established for years, with projects that are gradually increased in number and updated contents and forms of usability.

All activities are designed, planned, developed and managed by:

controlled 25 of the school and ministry

56 temporary workers, with contracts expiring December 31, 2011,

98 project workers, with contracts expiring December 31, 2008.

The project workers and temporary workers are paying service with the Agency for periods ranging:

to 32% by 1 to 3 years,

to 40% 4 to 6 years,

to 26% 7 to 15 years,

to 2% by 16 to 20 years.

The 30% of employees graduated, 70% are university graduates and of these 40% have post-graduate specialization.

To make use of coordinated and continuous collaboration, the Government has launched an annual public procedures for selecting, implementing only the 2008 contract extension. The 56 employees term, which manage the LLP has completed two contests, the first in the sector ministries (2003-2006) and second in the research sector (2007-2011).

The consistency even number of activities carried out by permanent staff of the Agency is to demonstrate the importance and usefulness of the work of everyone in the innovation landscape of teaching Italian. Our current contract types are not a free choice, on the contrary, investment in skills provision for the development of the Agency. The correct sentence and can overcome these forms of contract can not however detract from the value of work. We all agree on ' opportunity to overcome the precarious employment and to provide forms of social safety nets, that address all types of workers, but we can not accept that our work is considered to be eliminated, through cuts that do not take account of the need and value of our assets. The necessity and value of our research and daily activity that supports the advancement of the entire Italian education system, helping to interface with the international and European scene.

If the Agency, and already the Indire, receives funding of approximately € 2,000,000, for the realization of the objectives set by the Act's Annual Address, and manages a budget due to the projects, ranging from 8 to 10 million annually for projects in custody by the MIUR and comes to about 70 million annually with the management of 'LLP, is also due to the work of temporary workers. In fact, this institution has grown economically in parallel to increase the number of temporary contracts, just think that in the early eighties there were only 20 commandments, whose activities were carried out with only ordinary fund. If these twenty-five years, the economic balance sheet of the entity is increased thanks to the efficiency and capacity of the Directorate, which managed to procure and promote the various projects as our skills and job skills that can not be dispersed the willingness to cut temporary contracts. This type of contract is entitled to be overcome, not our work.

The problem with workers of the Agency shall have contributed to the growth of an institution, that the slow and bureaucratic politics in the meantime has failed to define and constitute merely a renaming endless - from BDP to hold a National Agency for the Development of Education - while we worked.

From 1999, the Indire already Educational Documentation Library has developed a documentation system which aims to the experiences of research and teaching and pedagogical innovation in national and international. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, has created services and materials to support the teaching and the process of school autonomy. It also dealt with the training of leaders, teachers and staff ATA, breaking new ground in the system of in-service training, from actions in the territory bounded in time and in-service training, coordinated at national level in blended mode, which that is, uses classes in the presence and activities to be performed online. He has also contributed to the development of technological systems and documentaries, developing and implementing national research projects and supervising the dissemination dei risultati.

Sul piano internazionale, il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, già dal 1985, ha affidato all’Istituto la gestione dell’Unità italiana della rete comunitaria Eurydice, dal 1995 la gestione dell’Agenzia Nazionale Socrates, per i programmi comunitari Socrates/Erasmus e dal 2004 la gestione dell’Unità Nazionale Etwinning; tutti progetti e attività riunite dal 2007 nel programma comunitario per l’apprendimento permanente: LLP, istituito con decisione del Parlamento e Consiglio Europeo per il periodo 2007 – 2013 e nuovamente affidato ad Indire.

Con la legge the 2007 Budget, and INDIRE IRRE ( Regional Institutes for Educational Research) have been deleted. The same Finance Act provided for the establishment of the National Agency for the Development of school autonomy, with headquarters in Florence. After two years, the body is still in management commissioner, while maintaining the same purpose and perform the same tasks institutional have to open and IRRE.

The draft Rules of Organization of the Agency, already prepared, albeit very slowly, in the previous term, suffered a setback and not is expected to release shortly. Despite the additional uncertainty commissioner determined by the situation and the consequent lack of constitutive aim of adequate fund ordinary economic and a staffing plan, this institution has continued to carry out their activities and respond to challenging new credit lines, like the New Obligation education in teaching and the introduction of advanced technologies such as digital whiteboard.

Agency, for the delivery of its services, relies mainly on high technology platforms, built and managed by the internal data processing center; Centre which has had over the years a considerable growth, going from 16 servers in 2003 to the current 85 machines operating, ensuring the use of services to an average of 5,000 users in the afternoon, with peaks of 10,000 simultaneous online presences.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Does Infiltrate Mean At Lower Lobe

Brief History: Indira - ANSAS


Starting in 1999 the 'Indire already Educational Documentation Library, based in Florence, established by the D.lvo 07/20/1999 No 258, has developed a system of documentation designed to research experiences and educational innovation and teaching both nationally and internationally has been responsible for the creation of services and materials to support the teaching and the process of school autonomy, the recognition of training needs of managers, teachers and the teaching staff, also supporting strategies research and training in the development of technological systems and documentaries, developing and implementing national research projects, ensuring the dissemination of results.

The MPI and the European Community have entrusted the management of the National Institute Socrates, for the Socrates / Erasmus, already from 1995. By decision of Parliament e del Consiglio europeo in data 15.11.2006 il programma comunitario sopra indicato, è stato trasformato nel programma di apprendimento permanente (Lifelong Learning Programme- LLP), con scadenza 31.12.2013.

Con la legge finanziaria per il 2007 l’INDIRE e gli IRRE ( Istituti Regionali di Ricerca Educativa) sono stati soppressi. Al loro posto sarà costituita l’Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo della Autonomia Scolastica con sede in Firenze, attualmente in gestione commissariale, con le stesse finalità e compiti istituzionali fin qui svolti da INDIRE e dagli IRRE.

La bozza di Regolamento di Organizzazione dell’Agenzia already developed in the last Parliament, which inter alia provides for the staffing of personnel with relevant qualifications and recruitment procedures, has suffered a setback today and is expected to release shortly.

In these stages of transition, the institutional goals have always been made by staff not organic. 's administration has in fact made use of seconded staff, from the school division and departments, with staff recruited on temporary contracts (BVG), the project workers, experienced staff.

The Agency has, however, continued to carry out its activities and to respond to the new task entrusted the duty of such 'education in the schools and the introduction of advanced technologies such as digital whiteboard, making use of personnel, however, always precarious.

The Agency for the provision of its services relies mainly on high technology platforms, built and managed by the internal data processing center, that center has had over the years a significant growth going from 16 servers in 2003 to the current 74 machines operational.

Although the Agency provided the funding approximately € 2,000,000.00 (two million euro) for the realization of the objectives set by 'Act of the Ministry of Education Annual Address, in fact manages a budget of between 8 and 10 million euro per year .

Today the headquarters in Via Buonarroti 86 counts working on projects with contract expiring December 31, 2008 and 25 operated at the premises in Magliabechi, who runs the Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP, were hired 48 employees with fixed-term contract expiring on 31 December 2011 and eight employees a progetto con contratto in scadenza il 31 dicembre 2008. Nella sede di Roma operano 8 dipendenti a tempo determinato e n. 4 collaboratori a progetto.

Le percentuali dei precari che collaborano con l’Agenzia con contratto a tempo determinato o a progetto, si articolano come segue:

oltre il 32% ha collaborato per un periodo continuativo che va da 1 a 3 anni, oltre il 40% da 4 a 6 anni, il 26% da 7 a 15 anni, il 2% da 16 a 20 anni.

Il 30% dei collaboratori è diplomato, il 70% è laureato e di questi il 40% ha specializzazioni post-laurea.

Per avvalersi di dette collaborazioni l’Amministrazione ha attivato annualmente procedure pubbliche di selezione, attuando solo per il 2008 la proroga contrattuale.

I lavoratori dell’Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell’Autonomia Scolastica

Bleach Doujinshi Online

F irenze, 18 Novembre 2008


ASSEMBLEA 18 NOVEMBRE lavoratori ex Indire

L'assemblea delle lavoratrici e lavoratori dell'ex Indire indetta dalle organizzazioni sindacali FLC CGIL, FIR CISL, UIL PA UR in data 18 Novembre 2008 esprime grave preoccupazione per la situazione in cui versa l'Istituto.

Infatti anche dopo l'incontro tenuto in data 4 Novembre 2008 con il Commissario Galli non emerge alcuna certezza rispetto al rinnovo dei contratti in scadenza il 31/12 per 98 collaboratori. Il mancato rinnovo dei contratti, a causa delle norme della legge 133 del 2008, comporteranno l'arresto dei servizi dell'Istituto, visto che attualmente, in assenza di personale di ruolo, i lavoratori sono tutti precari o destinatari del comando da altre amministrazioni (98 cococo, 52 tempi determinati, 25 comandati).

After almost two years since the law establishing dell'ANSAS yet there is no clarity on the rules, the ordinary funding, the staffing plan, the entries in the register. All this in a situation where the former Indire had never been able to enter the personal role and job insecurity is now well established for years.

Therefore, the Assembly shall decide the state of agitation and mobilization of staff to claim the renewal of the contracts until the procedures for release in the role envisaged by the 2007 Budget, which must be made by 2009.

The Assembly therefore be sent to the trade unions di richiedere nuovamente un incontro urgente con i Ministeri competenti e i Commissari dell'ANSAS da tenersi entro il mese di Novembre.

Inoltre si decide di indire le seguenti forme di agitazione:

  1. Individuazione di un presidio all'interno dell'Istituto e affissione sia all'esterno che all'interno di manifesti e striscioni che riportino la mobilitazione dei lavoratori.

  2. Contattare le istituzioni locali e comunicare con la cittadinanza per far presente la grave situazione dell'Istituto, che rappresenta anche un patrimonio per la città di Firenze e la regione Toscana.

  3. Comunicare agli utenti dei servizi dell'ex Indire i motivi della protesta attraverso un banner da inserire nei siti e nelle piattaforme e l'utilizzo della posta elettronica.

  4. Individuare una o più giornate di mobilitazione esterna fino ad una manifestazione in viale Trastevere qualora non saremo ricevuti dal Ministero entro il mese di Novembre.

Approvato all'unanimità dall'assemblea del personale

Friday, September 26, 2008

How Can U Tellif Someone Masterbates

Studio Luca Ascari

Blog business consulting, tax and corporate.