intervention workers at the VI ANSAS Committee of the province Le attività della sede centrale dell’Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell’Autonomia Scolastica (Ex Indire) are divided into:
specialist research on the implementation of new technologies in teaching,
training of school staff,
documentation of the activities of schools,
software development that help you manage the school library,
bibliographic service specializing in the teaching
historical teaching and youth literature,
actions Documentation and monitoring of non-formal training and continuing
Community Action Programme in Lifelong Learning,
web hosting service for about 1000 educational institutions.
The various sectors of activity are established for years, with projects that are gradually increased in number and updated contents and forms of usability.
All activities are designed, planned, developed and managed by:
controlled 25 of the school and ministry
56 temporary workers, with contracts expiring December 31, 2011,
98 project workers, with contracts expiring December 31, 2008.
The project workers and temporary workers are paying service with the Agency for periods ranging:
to 32% by 1 to 3 years,
to 40% 4 to 6 years,
to 26% 7 to 15 years,
to 2% by 16 to 20 years.
The 30% of employees graduated, 70% are university graduates and of these 40% have post-graduate specialization.
To make use of coordinated and continuous collaboration, the Government has launched an annual public procedures for selecting, implementing only the 2008 contract extension. The 56 employees term, which manage the LLP has completed two contests, the first in the sector ministries (2003-2006) and second in the research sector (2007-2011).
The consistency even number of activities carried out by permanent staff of the Agency is to demonstrate the importance and usefulness of the work of everyone in the innovation landscape of teaching Italian. Our current contract types are not a free choice, on the contrary, investment in skills provision for the development of the Agency. The correct sentence and can overcome these forms of contract can not however detract from the value of work. We all agree on ' opportunity to overcome the precarious employment and to provide forms of social safety nets, that address all types of workers, but we can not accept that our work is considered to be eliminated, through cuts that do not take account of the need and value of our assets. The necessity and value of our research and daily activity that supports the advancement of the entire Italian education system, helping to interface with the international and European scene.
If the Agency, and already the Indire, receives funding of approximately € 2,000,000, for the realization of the objectives set by the Act's Annual Address, and manages a budget due to the projects, ranging from 8 to 10 million annually for projects in custody by the MIUR and comes to about 70 million annually with the management of 'LLP, is also due to the work of temporary workers. In fact, this institution has grown economically in parallel to increase the number of temporary contracts, just think that in the early eighties there were only 20 commandments, whose activities were carried out with only ordinary fund. If these twenty-five years, the economic balance sheet of the entity is increased thanks to the efficiency and capacity of the Directorate, which managed to procure and promote the various projects as our skills and job skills that can not be dispersed the willingness to cut temporary contracts. This type of contract is entitled to be overcome, not our work.
The problem with workers of the Agency shall have contributed to the growth of an institution, that the slow and bureaucratic politics in the meantime has failed to define and constitute merely a renaming endless - from BDP to hold a National Agency for the Development of Education - while we worked.
From 1999, the Indire already Educational Documentation Library has developed a documentation system which aims to the experiences of research and teaching and pedagogical innovation in national and international. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, has created services and materials to support the teaching and the process of school autonomy. It also dealt with the training of leaders, teachers and staff ATA, breaking new ground in the system of in-service training, from actions in the territory bounded in time and in-service training, coordinated at national level in blended mode, which that is, uses classes in the presence and activities to be performed online. He has also contributed to the development of technological systems and documentaries, developing and implementing national research projects and supervising the dissemination dei risultati.
Sul piano internazionale, il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, già dal 1985, ha affidato all’Istituto la gestione dell’Unità italiana della rete comunitaria Eurydice, dal 1995 la gestione dell’Agenzia Nazionale Socrates, per i programmi comunitari Socrates/Erasmus e dal 2004 la gestione dell’Unità Nazionale Etwinning; tutti progetti e attività riunite dal 2007 nel programma comunitario per l’apprendimento permanente: LLP, istituito con decisione del Parlamento e Consiglio Europeo per il periodo 2007 – 2013 e nuovamente affidato ad Indire.
Con la legge the 2007 Budget, and INDIRE IRRE ( Regional Institutes for Educational Research) have been deleted. The same Finance Act provided for the establishment of the National Agency for the Development of school autonomy, with headquarters in Florence. After two years, the body is still in management commissioner, while maintaining the same purpose and perform the same tasks institutional have to open and IRRE.
The draft Rules of Organization of the Agency, already prepared, albeit very slowly, in the previous term, suffered a setback and not is expected to release shortly. Despite the additional uncertainty commissioner determined by the situation and the consequent lack of constitutive aim of adequate fund ordinary economic and a staffing plan, this institution has continued to carry out their activities and respond to challenging new credit lines, like the New Obligation education in teaching and the introduction of advanced technologies such as digital whiteboard.
Agency, for the delivery of its services, relies mainly on high technology platforms, built and managed by the internal data processing center; Centre which has had over the years a considerable growth, going from 16 servers in 2003 to the current 85 machines operating, ensuring the use of services to an average of 5,000 users in the afternoon, with peaks of 10,000 simultaneous online presences.